Her dress is absolutely gorgeous and she even braved the rain for some really cool shots. You can see that the bottom of her dress got soaked. But we ran in the bathroom after and her friends blow dried it :) then we got some fun indoor shots!
Thanks Louisa! I am so looking forward to the wedding next week!

Wow Tiffany! These shots are amazing. Where were the indoor ones taken??? I love them all. What a cute bride!
I would have had such a hard time choosing my favorites, too! I love these.. The ones of her in the street..wow! :D What a beautiful bride.
I can see why it was hard for you to choose. These are all awesome! I totally love the city shots in the rain. Great job on all of them (indoor and outdoor). :o)
oh wow, these are gorgeous! I love the wide angle view, to cool!
What a beautiful bride! You did awesome!
I love these!! I'm so glad you decided to share so many of them. What a fun location! I love, love downtown SLC! Where's that fancy bed? :)
These are so fun! I love the umbrella ones and the street ones and the inside ones on that super cool bed. Awesome!
what a fun shoot! i love a little rain sometimes. very nice images.
it was great to meet you last night.
Wow! These are so great. I really love the rainy day ones!
Oh my stars and daughters Mrs Burns Rushforth, these are amazing, you knocked these ones out of the park. I love the shoe shot and the umbrella shots and the hotel bed shots and... well I love them all. You are greatly improving in your skills ;)
pictures overload... I love!!! the first one is the best!!!! Great job and congratulations on the wedding gig, I'm sure it's fun!!!
Yes, her dress is stunning! It looks like she had a blast with you. Great work!
These are beautiful! I realy like them. You did an amazing job. These indoor shots are like nothing I have ever seen. So much fun!!!
Okay so I started counting my favorites and then I went to 1, 6, 7... and then I stopped because I love them all! Beautiful!
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