OUCH!! My poor red nose...
I think someone flipped the "ON" switch to my nose~ I have been sick since Friday, once AGAIN this year, but today my nose has been running NON-STOP~ My trusty Advil Cold and Sinus has not made a dent...Any miracle ideas??????????????
You could always try a cork??? Hope you feel better soon.
OK seriously, I have!! :) Rolled up tissue!! But I need a stronger, longer remedy!! :)
I've heard a good sinus cleansing works well: http://www.nationaljewish.org/disease-info/treatments/alt-ther/nasal-wash.aspx
Feel better soon!
Kind of weird but of you tried vix vapor rub on the bottom of your feet? we like that at our house. :) Hope you're feeling better!
Well...chocolate always works for me. :D Hee hee..but in case that doesn't work..how about...chicken soup? OR well, ok, so I have nothing for ya. Hope you're feeling well soon. :D
ugh! I'm right there with you!! 10 days now and no end in sight! blah. Sudafed PE seems to be working pretty well for me tho...give it a go!
i wish i had a remedy for you :( hope you're feeling better soon!
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