Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My 33rd

Today is my birthday and I took the day off of work to spend some time with my mom and sister. When I came home I did something I don't normally do ~ I watched Oprah. Sometimes I think things happen for a reason ~ I had been wanting to post something for my birthday like a sitting fee special but after watching the show today which was about donating and giving ~ I decided that what I would do is donate $33.00 of every sitting fee from shoots I have in the month of September to an organization ~ I have heard about these organizations before, the organizations that give loans to women in other countries so that they can develop a business in order to support their families. So since I have been lucky enough to start and grow my photography business so much in the past 2 years I figured that would be the perfect place for me to try to give a little back~
The website for that organization is www.kiva.org
It looks like the site is experiencing some issues after being featured on Oprah, but as soon as it is set back up I will be signing up to donate.
There was also a girl on the show that is raising money to help children fighting Aids in Africa ~ She has a goal to raise $1,000,000.00 ~ I cannot find her information yet, but would love to donate to her to so if and when I find her info I will also post it here!!
Have a great Day!! :)


Amanda said...

You are so awesome and inspiring! Thank you!

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!! :D What a great present to give yourself..and others. That's such a fantastic idea!! :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tiffany! I hope it was fabulous. What an awesome way to celebrate, by giving to others in need. The gift that keeps giving, I love that! Thanks for sharing the link too. :o)

Sally said...

Happy Be-lated Birthday Tiff! I am soooo sorry I didn't get something to you sooner. What an awesome thing to do for a donation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry it is late. Happy Birthday

Christie said...

tiffany, you are awesome and happy birthday to you! i'm really touched by your idea, it's just fantastic... and i can tell that it comes from your heart. we don't get any tv reception where we live but i used to love watching oprah too.

erin kate said...

happy belated birthday!
i saw that oprah too and am going to donate to kiva.org also. it feels so good to give!