The Raw TrainerMeet Holly~ She is a Physical Therapist that has now started her own business teaching people about
Raw Foods, she now works at
Pinnacle as well, teaching Pilates classes and also helping people (like myself) train and work through injuries such as herniated discs (like myself)~ Please check out her website and also the website for Pinnacle, it is an amazing place to heal, pass it all on to anyone you know that may be in need of Holly!!

She can explain it best......
Hollys journey in her own words!!
"""A personal note about my Journey....
I started on my raw food journey in 2002 after a person crisis of being overweight, having increasing body pain, and feeling tired all the time. At that time, I did not have the time and desire to cook. I wanted to learn how to eat healthy in a practical and quick way. Difficult? No way! I hired a coach who came to my apartment and all she did was plant the seed of raw wisdom. She also made the most amazing raw pad Thai EVER! I was hooked. I wanted to make this every day. I continued to "experiment" with adding in new recipes, and in December of 2006, I did the Hippocrates Health Institute Life CHange Program. It was magical to say the least. This was a true learning experience about raw foods living, being totally inspired by others and their lives, and fully learning about me. This is where I learned that the food is just part of the person. I new that raw food would be a tool in my life to make all my dreams come true. It continues to do this everyday!
In June of 2008 I traveled over to Ely, England to train and learn from The Raw Food Coach, Karen Knowler ( She is fantastic and so inspiring!) I completed my training there and now coach, run raw food workshops, and am starting a telecourse in 2009!
I strive to live in balance and get the most out of EVERY moment. I came up with my idea of being green, clean, and lean. This simply means to eat in a way that positively influences the environment and community, go green! To be clean from the inside out with proper nutrition and a cleansed slate physically, emotionally, and spiritually to achieve your life goals. The third component is to be lean. I think I am always going to be working on this one. I want to have the best body for me and I do truly feel the lightest, healthiest, and hottest when I eat mostly raw.
It truly is the best tool to start to integrate into the SAD (Standard American Diet). Hopefully one day this will be an old myth of how human beings used to eat.
It is all about the Experience. The Raw Experience, Get a taste for yourself,
Email/Call me for a free consult.
I look forward to meeting and journeying with you!
In gratitude,