I know I haven't been good about blogging for a long time, but thanks for stopping by and not giving up on me! I will get back on track soon!~ I will not be available until November~ Have a wonderful Halloween everyone...
I will be gone for a few weeks during October, Please call me soon if you would like to schedule fall photos! I want to make sure that I can get them done for you before I leave. Those beaufitul colors come and go so quickly~
After being diagnosed 7 weeks ago with Glioblastoma level 4 malignant brain tumors~ my beautiful, amazing, incredible, kind mom (and best friend) lost her fight with brain cancer on Wednesday August 19th 2009. Please join us in celebrating her life by living your life to the fullest! Enjoy every day and do everything that you love. ~ I love you mom, so much! Rena Jensen Traub
Wow, I wont even make excuses and I have said it many times before but I have been such a blog slacker~ I hope there are a few of you out there that have not given up on me! :) Here are a few from Erika's Maternity session I shot last week~
When I went to Vegas for WPPI I thought it would be fun to actually try being on the other side of the camera for a change. I emailed some photographers who I have been blog stalking for about a year to see if they would have time to do a session~ They said Yes and I was so happy! I met Mark and Candice at the entrance of the hotel and we drove about 15 minutes outside of the strip and went down in this crazy ravine to shoot. It was awesome! I was so looking forward to seeing how other people shoot! Here are some of my favorites! This is me........
So tomorrow is my husbands Birthday! And we had his family over yesterday and I had my friend Heather make a cake! She has been doing it for about a month now and I wanted to surprise Jed with a Scuba diving cake since we are so obsessed with diving~ Anyways here are some photos of the cake! If you want her contact info just let me know! She makes amazing personalized cakes!! :)
Time for a post and I decided to go with all black and white on this one for no reason really~ Just something different this time... Thank you for stopping by my blog~
A few weeks ago I got to shoot Maquels 8th birthday party. I had such a great time ~ There were about fifteen 8 year old girls and they got their hair, make up and nails done so they could dress up for a photo shoot~ What a fun party! Oh to be 8 again!!!