My husband and I just spent 10 days in Belize. The first 3 days were spent in a very small town called Placencia, the last 7 days were spent on a little island called Ambergris Caye, mostly diving there...
Placencia was such a unique place, we went on 2 jungle type tours in the rain forest there. The first one was to a place called Monkey River. We took a boat tour up the river and then got out and did some hiking in the jungle ~ We saw a family of Howler Monkeys there, they were amazing! We then stopped at the small town of Monkey River to have an authentic lunch of Chicken and Rice and Beans.
The second tour we did was to a place called Cockscomb Basin, a nature preserve a few hours outside of Placencia. We did a hike and then went tubing down a river for about an hour, it was the most incredible site. Once we were done tubing we walked up to a water fall and swam around there for a while and then got to do one of the coolest things I have ever done, we got to slide down the waterfall and river on rocks slick enough to slide on our butts. It was so cool, I just had to take it all in, I could not bring my camera on those 2 parts since I did not want it to get wet. And boy did we get soaked!
To get from one place to another we took these little prop planes that seat about 10, I think we took about 4 of them to get back and forth ~ Jed got to sit co-pilot on one of the flights, it was pretty amazing.
Ambergris Caye was also a very unique place. We went diving there most every day. We saw so many nurse sharks and eagle and sting rays~ They are such amazing creatures. I took my camera into town one of the days and tried to document the place accurately, but that is very hard to do~ It is just a place like no other I have ever been. There were a group of kids that were so cute and wanted to pose for me~ They loved having their pictures taken and loved being able to see them on my camera right away. They were so darling.
Belize is such a great place. I highly recommend it.
The photos are from my Canon point and shoot, my Canon 20D, my husbands old Canon that he uses in an underwater housing and also a few from the dive masters camera, model unknown ~ Enjoy them....